Nurture and Heal Your Inner-Child

The inner-child within each of us needs to feel safe and secure. Uncertain and challenging times can trigger memories and/or feelings within from our childhood when we did not understand or feel emotionally equipped to handle stressful and traumatic situations. Although we love them, spending time with family during the holidays can also trigger unresolved emotions, conflicts and traumas.    

When you feel vulnerable, insecure and/or fearful, reassuring inner-dialog is helpful. You can tell your inner-child “I am listening”; “I am here for you”; “I understand”; “I love you”; and/or “You are worthy” are some examples. The messages you most needed and longed to hear as a child are the words your inner-child most needs to hear from you. Spend some time reminding that younger aspect of you that you have made it through uncertain and challenging times before and that you will make it through this time too.  

Check in with your body (and your inner-child) to see what it is that you need to feel safe and secure. Nurture your inner-child with exactly what it needs. Sometimes a warm bath, a hug, cuddling up in pjs and a warm blanket will do the trick. Doing the things you enjoyed as a child can be soothing and fun. Examples include baking cookies, making a tent, swinging, cuddling a pet or stuffed animal, play, color, paint, draw, dance and spending time outdoors.

If self-soothing seems insufficient, doing some inner-child healing with a qualified therapist or healing practitioner is highly recommended. Childhood upsets and traumas can affect us deeply and if we don’t work out the fears, insecurities, sabotaging patterns and beliefs we carry heavy baggage that can cause anxiety and depression. Additionally, we often create our current realities based on subconscious perceptions and beliefs formed during those early years (especially in the womb to age 7) that set the foundation for our lives.

Doing this deep soul work is like gently pulling roots from your core, allowing you to experience more peace, love and joy within yourself and in your life. As you “re-parent” yourself through this work, you’ll learn how to self-sooth and do the work within yourself as past triggers arise. It is truly some of the most freeing and self-empowering work you can do.  Asking for help is not a sign of takes courage to do deep-inner work and you'll be all the better for it. If you are interested in contacting, embracing and healing your inner-child, let’s talk! 


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