Scheduled Time Off

Scheduling time off for vacation, “staycation” or weekend getaways can be essential in preventing burnout.  “Burnout is a progressive loss of idealism, energy, and goals as the result of personal or occupational stress.  Burnout results from high levels of stress over time.  Continuing personal or work stress, without rest, will eventually lead to burnout” (CR Figley (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Trauma. Sage Publications).

Getting a break from the demands of life, both professional and personal, can be necessary.  Sometimes we need a change of scenery to let go, rejuvenate, and gain fresh perspective.  This can often be accomplished by scheduling time off from work and away from home.  It is best to schedule time off before reaching the point of frustration and exhaustion.  Vacation to a new destination, a favorite place previously visited, a workshop or retreat, visiting out-of-town family and/or friends could be exactly the break you are needing.

If you have some paid time off but cannot financially afford a vacation away from home, I recommend the “staycation”.  Spending vacation time at home can also be a refreshing break.  Time off may seem extended by “unplugging” for a while by taking a break from email and turning off the cell phone.  Letting people know in advance that you will be doing so is a good idea.  Setting boundaries around your scheduled time off can give a sense of freedom and relaxation.  Giving yourself permission to do what you want to do, moment by moment, and without a schedule during your time off is a wonderful gift to yourself.

If time off from work is not an option, you may also get a nice break by scheduling a weekend getaway trip.  A quick change of environment can have similar relaxing and refreshing effects as a vacation.  The same intentions as the “staycation” mentioned above could be done during a weekend at home.  Sometimes saying “not now” or “no” to others and “yes” to yourself is necessary self-care.  You’ll have more to give others when you tend to your needs and rejuvenate yourself.  By giving from this place, everyone benefits!


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