Benefits of Meditation


Meditation is recognized as a great stress relief tool with vast and potentially life altering benefits.  Meditation can be done anywhere by anyone.  It can be done while sitting, lying down, taking a shower, eating, cooking, walking, dancing, painting, writing, listening to music, praying, doing yoga………and the list goes on.  Life can be a meditation if living is done mindfully by being present moment by moment, fully experiencing each moment. 

The benefits of meditation include, but are not limited to:  reduced stress, elevation and maintenance of positive emotions, increased resilience, mind-body connection, greater awareness, self-reflection, clarity, acceptance of present moment reality, quiet mind, increased concentration, greater creativity/imagination and connectedness to all that exists.  Meditation has become the subject of study for neuroscientists and there have been findings to support that meditation positively changes how the brain functions during stressful situations.  Additionally, consistent meditation practice has been shown to restore health in people who experience pain and illness.   

Meditation is a practice worth adding to your self-care regimen or building upon if you already meditate. Our next blog will provide tips on how to begin a meditation practice.


Tips for Beginning a Meditation Practice


Mindful Living